Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Dyscalculia is a reading disorder, it may refer to as the mathematical or intelligence problem in childhood and in adulthood as well, according to British dyslexia association it is said that dyscalculia and dyslexia go together but independent of each other, 40 to 50 % of dyslexics shows no sign of dyscalculia, it is also found that every 3 to 4 % of population is effected by dyscalculia of those who only have difficulty with mathematics and but have good or even excellent performance with other subjects, this disorder actually effects both the three sensation of the person involved in solving mathematical or technical things they are: visual perception, visual memory and logical thinking.

Symptoms of Dyscalculia :

1. Poor understandings of the signs +, _, *< % , # etc. that is difficulty in understanding sign languages.
2. A person feels difficulty in mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division etc
3. Difficulty with time tables.
4. Difficulty with numbers and amounts.
5. Problem in using calculator.
6. Every kind of mathematical objects can easily confuse patients of dyscalculia.
7. May have poor sense of directions like west, north, east and south.
8. May have difficulty in measuring instruments or distances.

Diagnosis Of Dyscalculia :

The disorder can be diagnosed easily if your child or a person is experiencing problems in mathematics or reading even in other subjects, after diagnosis so as to confirm it you should see a specialist psychologist who deals with it and he may take your counseling and will show you results according to your mind position.

Treatment of Dyscalculia :

1. First of all focus on their strengths and weaknesses.
2. Find different methods to approach math problems.
3. Encourage the patients to ask questions.
4. Its treatment is possible through different ways like, with love, research on subject and patience.

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