Saturday, July 30, 2011


Fibromyalgia is a medical disorder in which a person feels pain and aches throughout the body, this pain is found in some points which are also called tender points, which include low back, hips, shoulders, arms, leg and neck. Tender points which are mentioned above hurts a lot when some sort of pressure is put on them. Majority of people having fibromyalgia are women, there percentage is around 75-85% whereas men have less ratio of it.

Signs and symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

There are many symptoms of fibromyalgia but the main one's are :
1. Fatigue.
2. Joint pain.
3. Depression.
4. Stress.
5. Anxiety.
6. Headaches.

Causes of Fibromyalgia:

It has been caused to many people but its cause is not known up til now, some of the main causes which specialists think that they may be involved are:
1. Infection.
2. Illness.
3. Accidents like bike or car crash.
4. Doing same action again and again and getting injured by that.
5. It may be caused genetically.
6. Due to wrong posture.

Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia:

The diagnosis process is carried out by doctors by checking the past history of patient. It can only be diagnosed if the person have this pain from more than 1-2 months and having pain in tender points.

Treatment of Fibromyalgia:

It can only be treated with regular exercise and doctors advices physical therapy, pain killers are used to control pain.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Myopia Definition:

Myopia is termed as the short sightedness of any individual, he may not see far objects clearly as all normal people can do, its a disorder of eye sightedness, the person cannot see the written things very far or see distant. People having myopia bears difficulty seeing far objects, but can see objects that are near clearly.
Example, a person who is nearsighted may not be in position to see highway signs clearly until he reaches closer to it.

Causes of myopia:

1. The rays of light tilt incorrectly into the eye whose work is to transmit scene or image to the brain.
2. Too much use of computers or television screens from very near may cause myopia.
3. The cornea of these people is curvature.
4. The eye ball may be too long.
5. Myopia may be by birth or by hereditary it runs in many families.

Symptoms of myopia:

1. Fatigue.
2. Eye strains.
3. Headaches.
4. Eyes burning.
5. Unable to look far away.
6. Itching in eyes all the time.
7. Tension in eyes because of tension in eyes.

Diagnosis of myopia:

1. By the standard eye exams used by all the doctors to check the eyesight.
2. By computerized eye checking.

Treatment of myopia:

1. Use of eye glass, lenses or refractive surgery are the main treatment ways.
2. Photorefractive keratectomy.
3. Laser surgery.
4. Various eye exercises may help if they are done daily and time to time.
5. Iron and protein supplement is important in myopia.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Constipation is defined in term as fewer than three stools per week and severe constipation as less than one stool per week, it is a bowel disorder, it is caused by the slow movement of stool through the colon. Colonic inertia and pelvic floor dysfunction causes constipation. More than 95% of people age above 18 have intestine movements between 3-21 times weekly, and this would be considered normal. Constipation is found worldwide, there are many diseases in human body which are caused due to constipation, it is estimated that 75 to 85 diseases are caused as the result of constipation in human body.

Causes of constipation:

1. Slow passive of digesting food.
2. Problem in colon.
3. Colon disorders.
4. Food not chewed well can cause constipation.
5. Narcotic medications also causes constipation.
6. Iron supplements.
7. Increasing in dietry fibre.
8. Laxatives.
9. Hormonal disorders.
10. Pelvic floor dysfunction.
11. Colon inertia.

Diagnosis of constipation:

1. Anal fissure.
2. Medical history.
3. Abdominal x-rays.
4. Blood tests.
5. Barium enema.
6. Physical examinations.
7. Defecography.
8. MRI.

Treatments of constipation:

1. Maximum use of dietry fibre.
2. Using fruits and vegetables.
3. Low dose of food.
4. Use of lubricant laxatives.
5. Emollient laxatives (also known as stool softeners).
6. Hypersmolar laxatives.
7. Use of Colchicine.
8. Exercises.
9. Surgery.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Epilepsy was one of the ancient founded brain disorder. Some facts are found that it was also quoted in ancient Babylon around 2500-3000 years ago. It is a brain disorder in which clusters of neurons or nerve cells, which lies in the brain at times signal unaccountably or you can say abnormally. The unfamiliar behavior are so called seizures or epilepsy. It is a disorder of human body it may found everywhere all around the world, no exact cause of this disease has been found yet but it is said that it occurs due to the dis connection or may be the fault in nervous system of the individual somewhere, epilepsy occurs in episodes and accidentally, no one knows when it is going to occur even not the patient is aware of it that suddenly the change will come, for example you are at work and you are a patient of epilepsy you don’t know when and where at the moment will it occur, some schemas about epilepsy are that the water is responsible for epilepsy because it is mostly seen that the patient develop the attack of epilepsy soon after he or she see water. A person having a severe illness may cry out, fall to the floor senseless.

Causes of epilepsy:

No exact cause of epilepsy has been found yet. Epilepsy may develop because of strangeness in brain working.
But some causes are related to brain disorders or genetic factor may play important role, poisoning and head injury may also lead towards epilepsy.
Some other main causes of epilepsy are.
1. Brain tumors.
2. Fatigue.
3. Genetics conditions.
4. Brain injury from birth.
5. Abnormal blood vessels in brain.
6. Leading poisons.

Symptoms of epilepsy:

1. Making of chewing movement.
2. Blink rapidly.
3. Persons feels abnormal smells, sounds or some sort of change in eyesight.
4. Nausea.
5. A blank stare.

Diagnosis of epilepsy:

1. Your previous history.
2. Physical examination.
3. ECG.

Treatment of epilepsy:

The surgery is the only solution along with the medications.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Paralysis is the loss of muscle movement with in the different body parts. Our body is being controlled by communication system between the central nerve and the central nervous system. Interruption of communication of nerve impulses anywhere along the nerve pathway from the brain to the muscles can damage control of muscle movement and cause muscle weakness and loss of coordination and it may lead towards the loss of movement of muscles which is paralysis. Paralysis symptoms can occur anywhere in the body it may occur either on both sides of the body or only one side. Sudden paralysis is a serious symptom signaling a medical emergency such as stroke or spinal cord injury.

Symptoms of Paralysis:

1. Clumsiness.
2. Fatigue.
3. Drooling.
4. Dumbness.
5. Loss of memory.
6. Confusion with memory.
7. Changes in personality.
8. Changes in behaviors and moods.
9. Fever.
10. Hearing loss.
11. Rash
12. Severe headache.

Causes of paralysis:

1. Disconnection between the central nerve and the central nervous system.
2. Environmental causes such as radiation, toxins or poisons.
3. Head trauma.
4. Strokes.
5. Disability.

Treatment of paralysis:

The treatment of paralysis depends upon the cause of partial paralysis.
It may include:
1. Physical therapies.
2. Medications.
3. Exercises.
4. Surgery.
5. Occupational therapy.
6. Counseling.
7. Rehabilitation in extreme cases.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Heat Rash

Heat rash which is also known as sweat rash and in some cases prickly heat is a itchy skin disease in which the different parts of body are marked with small rashes or reddish dots. The swear glands which lies in the skin of body are controlled by the brain to regulate temperature of body.
This heat rash takes place when the sweat ducts become blocked up and the sweat cannot get its way towards the surface of skin. It appears in hot and humid conditions like in summer.

Signs and symptoms of Heat Rash:

The main signs and symptoms of heat rash are given below.
1. Small red spots or rashes on the skin parts, usually on face, under breast, neck, chest ( where the rub of clothes takes place ) and folding areas of body like arms.
2. Heat rash or prickly heat looks same as shingles but it is itchy and person should consult doctors quickly.

Causes of Heat Rash:

Following are the causes of heat rash.
1. It is causes by using too much creams and lotion on the skin because it stops the sweat ducts and as a result heat rash is caused.
2. Usage of clothes which are tight enough and do not allow proper evaporation of sweats.
3. It is seen that most of the people tighten their selves with warm clothes during fever which is not good and often causes heat rash.

Heat Rash Prevention:

Use fans and other means of cooling methods in order to keep skin fresh with fresh air, do not use tight clothes and shoes because they cause rash. Do not play or go outside under sun in summer specially.

Heat Rash Treatment:

By applying these steps one can get rid of heat rash.
1. Doctors and specialist advice prickly heat powder or sprays to treat heat rash.
2. Some creams consisting vitamin A and C can treat it but it is not yet certified by the doctors.
3. Some anti-biotics may also needed in order to treat it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Emphysema is a disease of lungs , that usually causes shortness of breath which appears due to expansion of the alveoli, it is a long-term disease in which the lung that involve in exchange of gases may be falling out or destroyed. Emphysema is listed in a group of diseases which is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD in a group ranks fourth in USA only. Unlike cancer, heart disease and other disease which causes death, the death rate for COPD is high, men are more likely to have emphysema disease than women.
When the bronchioles of the lungs are leak, rupture or damaged it is impossible for the lung to exchange gases or air in that way, emphysema occurs which is weakened and results in stuck in of air in lungs, not only air supply is effected but also the blood supply may be effected.

Causes of emphysema:

1. Smoking, which is considered as the biggest cause of emphysema disease.
2. Destruction of lung tissue which occurs through many ways, like Smoking.
3. Enzymes may become weak which are responsible for the emphysema.
4. Air pollution.
5. Relative of infected persons can also develop this disease.
6. Older age.
7. Lungs infections.

Symptoms of emphysema:

1. Cough, sometimes caused by the production of mucus.
2. Too much smoking.
3. Barrel chest.
4. Heavy chest.
5. Too much cough and decongestant of chest.
6. Tolerance of exercise decreased by time.
7. Shortness of breath.

Diagnosis of emphysema:

1. Shortness of breath.
2. Pain in chest area.
3. Prolonged cough.
4. Suffocation along with breath.
5. Skin colour turning to blue or yellowish in color called cyanosis.
6. Too much sputum production.
7. Chest x- rays may diagnose it easily.
8. Family genetical history.

Treatment of emphysema:

1. Stop smoking immediately.
2. Bronchodilating medications such as albuterol is also known as Proventil and Ventolin, it works fast, and a single dose is enough for providing relief to the patient for around 3-5 hours. Albuterol a metered-dose inhaler or MDI.
3. Methylxanthines (Theophylline) , Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) and certain steroid medications may help.
4. Use of oxygen inhaler for shortness of breath over a period of time.
5. Lung Volume Reduction surgery (LVRS) is useful at the last stage of emphysema.
6. Lung transplant.
7. Certain rehabilitation exercises for lungs are also helpful.